Charlie, Cam, Oswald, and Mike - episode 3

Charlie, Cam, Oswald, and Mike - episode 3

New Media students Charlie Leo, Cam McLaughlin, and Sam Oswald talk about their COVID-19 experiences in the latest episode in their podcast series. These student reporters discuss their workloads, quarantine communication between students and teachers, and how other schools are handling distance learning. This also comes with a healthy dose of comedy in the form of the Would-You-Rather segment.

Charlie Leo, Cam McLaughlin, and Sam Oswald talk about their COVID-19 experiences in the latest episode in their podcast series. These student reporters discuss their workloads, quarantine communication between students and teachers, and how other schools are handling distance learning. This also comes with a healthy dose of comedy in the form of the Would-You-Rather segment. Podcast produced by Charlie Leo. Artwork by Charlie Leo.

High school juniors talk about their upcoming senior year

High school juniors talk about their upcoming senior year

Quaran-teens around the world, episode 3 - England

Quaran-teens around the world, episode 3 - England